
Where To Place Curtain Rods: A 7-Step Guide

Looking to enhance your interior with perfectly hung curtains? Learn where to place curtain rods for a polished look. Discover the precise steps for ideal curtain rod placement, including determining height and width, centering, and anchoring. Get expert tips on inside vs. outside mounts and find the perfect accessories for a complete finish. Elevate your interior décor with our comprehensive guide on how and where to place curtain rods.

Step1: Determining the Right Height

a girl is measuring with tape and showing Learn Where to place curtain rods
  1. Measure from Floor to Ceiling: Begin by measuring the space between the floor and the ceiling. This will give you a baseline for your curtain rod placement.
  2. Consider Curtain Length: Consider the length of your curtains. For floor-length curtains, the rod is typically placed 4-6 inches above the window frame. For shorter curtains, you might adjust accordingly.
  3. Create Visual Balance: Consider the overall balance you want to achieve. For higher ceilings, you may choose to hang the rod closer to the ceiling to create a more dramatic effect.
  4. Mark the Placement: Using a pencil, mark the determined height on both sides of the window. This ensures an even placement.
  5. Use a Level: Before drilling any holes, use a level to double-check that your marks are even and straight.
  6. Install Brackets Securely: Once you are satisfied with the placement, install the brackets securely. Make sure they are level and anchored into a solid part of the wall.

By taking these steps, you will be well on your way to learning, where to place curtain rods in no time!

Step2: Measuring for Width

Measuring Width of the window to now Where To Place Curtain Rods

The width of your curtains is another critical consideration. Curtains that are too narrow may not properly cover the window. Whereas, curtains too wide can look bulky and overpowering.

Another important factor to consider is if you have single or multiple windows. Therefore, For this segment, I have divided the guidelines into two categories. 

Single Window vs. Multiple Windows

Where To Place Curtain Rods for single/ multiple windows

Single Window

When dressing a single window, the focus is on creating a polished and well-proportioned appearance. Here are some key considerations:

→Centering the Rod: In the case of a single window, it is essential to center the curtain rod both horizontally and vertically. This creates a simple and sober look.

→Allow for Stackback: Consider the stackback, which is the space that window treatments take up when they are fully drawn open. Ensure that there is enough room on either side of the window for the curtains to stack back neatly.

→Choose the Right Width: The width of the curtain rod should extend beyond the window frame, providing ample coverage and allowing the curtains to hang gracefully.

Multiple Windows

When dealing with multiple windows, the goal is to create a unified and harmonious look. Here is how to approach it:

→Continuous Rods: Consider using a continuous curtain rod for a seamless appearance. This allows the curtains to flow smoothly across all the windows.

→Spacing Considerations: Ensure there is a consistent amount of space between each window and the curtain rods. This creates a sense of balance and unity in the overall appearance

→Use Connectors or Brackets: If using separate rods for each window, utilize connectors or brackets to join them together. This helps maintain alignment and stability.

→Account for Wall Space: Consider the available wall space between the windows. Ensure that the spacing of the curtain rods complements the overall layout of the room

Step3: Centering the Rod

a man is drilling holes in the wall to place curtain rods

Use a Level: Before drilling any holes, use a level to ensure that the rod will hang straight. This step is crucial for achieving a professional finish.

Measure Twice, Drill Once: Double-check your measurements before making any holes. This extra step can save you from costly mistakes.

Also learn How to clean and wash curtains (Read more)

How to Wash Curtains
How to Wash Blackout Curtains
How to clean sheer curtains

Step 4: Consideration of the Window Frame

Where to place Curtain Rods is shown by the man

Understanding the depth of your window frame is vital in choosing between an inside mount and an outside mount for your curtain rod. We will explore the pros and cons of inside and outside mounting options, helping you choose the best fit for your windows. Where to place curtain rods is a crucial consideration in this decision-making process.

Inside Mount vs. Outside Mount

Inside Mount vs. Outside Mount for Where To Place Curtain Rods

Inside Mount
Inside mounting involves attaching the curtain rod inside the window frame.

√ Clean and Streamlined Look: Inside mounting creates a neat and tailored appearance, allowing the curtains to sit flush with the window frame.
√ Preserve Architectural Features: This option allows the window frame and any architectural details to remain visible.
√ Ideal for Limited Wall Space: Inside mounting is a great choice when wall space around the window is limited.

× Limited Light Control: Curtains may not completely block out light, as there may be small gaps between the fabric and the window frame.
× Reduced Privacy: Depending on the fit, there may be slight visibility from outside.

Outside Mount
Outside mounting involves attaching the curtain rod outside the window frame, covering a larger area.

√ Enhanced Light Control: Curtains installed outside the frame provide better light-blocking capabilities.
√ Creates an Illusion of Height: By extending the curtain rod beyond the window frame, you can create the illusion of higher ceilings.

× Covers Architectural Features: This option may cover up some of the window frame or architectural details.
× Requires more Wall Space: Outside mounting requires sufficient wall space on either side of the window.

By considering the depth of your window frame and weighing the pros and cons of inside and outside mounting, you can make an informed decision for the most suitable curtain rod placement. This crucial step ensures you know exactly where to place curtain rods for the best visual and functional outcome.

Step 5: Anchoring and Installing

tools needed to show Where to place Curtain Rods:

With the measurements in hand, it is time to pick up the tools and start the installation process. We will provide a step-by-step guide on where to place curtain rods, ensuring a secure and lasting hold.


  • Driller
  • Screwdriver
  • Measuring Tape
  • Level
  • Pencil for Marking
  • Stud Finder (if applicable)


  • Curtain Rod and Brackets
  • Screws and Wall Anchors
  • Wall Mounting Hardware (if not included with the curtain rod)
  • Step Stool or Ladder (if needed)

Follow these steps for a secure installation:

⇒Mark the Drill Points: Use a pencil to mark where you’ll drill the holes. Ensure they are level and aligned.

⇒Use Anchors: If you’re drilling into drywall, anchors will provide extra support. Insert them into the holes before attaching the rod brackets.

⇒Attach the Brackets: Use screws to secure the brackets in place.

Step 6: Checking for Levelness

using level to measure Where To Place Curtain Rods

A crooked curtain rod can be an eyesore. We will share tips on how to ensure your curtain rod is perfectly level for a polished finish.

⇒Use a Level: Place a level on top of the rod to double-check its alignment. Make any necessary adjustments before attaching the curtains.

⇒Step Back and Evaluate: Stand back and assess the overall appearance to confirm that everything is aligned correctly.

Step 7: Adding Finishing Touches

man and woman decorating by showing how and Where to place Curtain Rods:

With the rod securely in place, it is time to hang your curtain rods.

  • Choose Appropriate Hooks or Rings: Select hooks or rings that complement the style of your curtains and rod.
  • Hang Curtains Evenly: Take care to distribute the fabric evenly along the rod for a balanced look.
  • Additional Accessories: Consider adding finials or tiebacks to further enhance the visual appeal.

Also learn How to clean and wash curtains (Read more)

How to Wash Curtains
How to Wash Blackout Curtains
How to clean sheer curtains


Hanging curtains may seem like a small detail, but it can have a significant impact on the overall aesthetics of a room. By considering where to place curtain rods and following these seven easy steps, you will be able to achieve a professional-looking window treatment that complements your space perfectly.


1. What height to hang curtain rods?

The height of your curtain rod depends on factors like window proportions and ceiling height. A general rule is to hang it about four to six inches above the window frame.

2. can you hang curtain rods without drilling holes?

Yes, there are alternatives like tension rods or adhesive hooks for renters or those who prefer not to drill holes.

3.Where should curtain rod be placed for a window?

Curtain rods should be placed slightly above and outside the window frame to create an illusion of larger windows and to allow the curtains to fully cover the window when drawn.

4.How do you know where to place a curtain rod?

To determine where to hang a curtain rod, consider factors like the height of the window, the proportions of the room, and the desired aesthetic. Generally, the rod should be positioned a few inches above the window frame.

5.Where do curtains hang from?

Curtains typically hang from curtain rods. These rods are installed above windows and come in various styles and materials to suit different interior designs.

6.How to hang curtain rods in drywall?

To hang curtain rods in drywall, start by measuring and marking the desired placement. Use appropriate wall anchors and screws to secure the brackets. Ensure the rod is level before attaching curtains for a professional finish.

7.What screws to use to hang curtain rods?

It is  recommended to use wall anchors and screws designed for the weight and type of curtain rod you are installing.

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