
How to Wash Curtains? For A Brand-New Feel

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Let us talk about something we all love but might not give enough attention to – curtains! They are the unsung heroes of coziness and charm in our homes and deserve a little TLC.  This guide is your ticket to mastering how to wash curtains and reviving their splendor! We will walk you through the art of curtain care, from understanding fabric quirks to the gentle touch that brings them back to life.  Imagine each wash as a spa day for your curtains! Join us in this curtain care adventure!  Let’s make your home sparkle, one wash at a time!

Ingredients showing How to Wash Curtains

To embark on this curtain-cleaning journey, you will need the following essentials:

  •  Mild Detergent
  •  Vacuum Cleaner with Brush Attachment
  •  Stepladder (if needed
  •  Stain Remover (if needed)
  • Washing Machine (if applicable)

Safety Precautions:

  • Checking Curtain Labels for Special Instructions: Each curtain is unique! Always take a moment to read any care instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • Handling Delicate Fabrics: Treat your window treatments with care, especially if they are made of delicate materials. Gentle motions and mild detergents are the way to go.

A. Hand Washing Curtains

Preparing Curtains for Washing

  • Remove Dust and Debris: Start by using the vacuum cleaner’s brush attachment to gently remove any loose dirt or dust from the curtains. Pay extra attention to pleats and folds where dirt tends to accumulate.
  • Spot Treating Stains: Inspect the curtains or drapes for any visible stains. Apply a small amount of the stain remover and let it work its magic.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Fill a Large Basin or Bathtub with Mild Detergent Solution: Start by filling a clean, spacious basin or bathtub with lukewarm water. Put a mild detergent designed for delicate fabrics, and stir it gently to form a soapy solution.
  2. Gently swirl Curtains in the Water: Place your curtains in the water and give them a gentle swish. Let them soak for a bit, allowing the detergent to work its magic.
  3. Rinsing Thoroughly: Once your curtains have soaked, drain the soapy water, and refill the basin or tub with clean, cool water. Rinse the curtains until all the detergent is gone.
  4. Drying Techniques: To dry your curtains, you have a few options:
  • Air Drying: To dry, gently squeeze out excess water without wringing. Hang them up on a curtain rod or a line outdoors, making sure they are evenly spread out.
  • Laying Flat: For very delicate fabrics, lay them flat on a clean surface. Ensure they are spread out evenly, not bunched up.
  • Ironing: If there are remaining wrinkles after air drying, use a low setting on your iron. Lay a Protective Pressing Cloth over delicate Fabrics to avoid any damage.

B. How to wash curtains in Washing Machine:

how to wash curtains in the washing machine

Preparing for Wash

  • Start by taking down the curtains. Remove any hooks, rings, or other hardware that may cause tangling or damage in the machine.
  • Inspect the curtains for any visible stains. Spot treat them using a mild detergent or a specialized stain remover to ensure a thorough clean.

Using the Right Settings

  1. Avoid Overcrowding 

Place the curtains in the washing machine with care. Avoid overcrowding the drum, as this can lead to inadequate cleaning or potential damage to the curtains.

  1. Opt for the Right Cycle

Select a gentle or delicate cycle. This will minimize stirring and ensure that your curtains are treated with the utmost care during the wash.

  1. Choose Cold Water

Opt for cold water. This helps prevent shrinkage and color fading, especially for curtains made from natural fibers.

  1. Use a Mild Detergent

Pour a small quantity of detergent into the machine. Refrain from using bleach or strong chemicals, as they may cause harm to the fabric.

Post-Wash Care

  • After the wash cycle is complete, run an extra rinse to ensure all detergent is completely removed.
  • To dry your curtains, for sturdier fabrics, air drying is great. Just hang them on a rod, making sure they are spread out. Be mindful of direct sunlight as it might affect delicate fabrics.
  • If your curtains are delicate, laying them flat on a clean surface is best. Ensure they are evenly spread out.
  • If there are slight wrinkles after drying, a gentle ironing on low heat, using a pressing cloth for protection, should do the trick.

C. How Often to Wash Curtains?

The frequency of washing curtains depends on various factors, including the environment they are in, the material they are made of, and personal preference. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Dust and Allergies: If you or someone in your household has allergies, it is recommended to wash curtains every 3-6 months to remove dust, pollen, and other allergens.
  • Curtain Material: Delicate fabrics like silk or velvet should be handled with care. They might only need a gentle vacuuming or spot cleaning, rather than a full wash.
  • Curtains in Bedrooms and Formal Spaces: Curtains in bedrooms or formal living spaces may not accumulate as much dirt or dust, so they can be washed every 6-12 months or as needed.
  • Kitchen Curtains: Due to the kitchen environment, curtains here tend to accumulate grease and food particles. As a result, it’s a good idea to wash kitchen curtains approximately every 1 to 2 months.
  • Bathroom Curtains: Given the moisture-rich environment of bathrooms, it’s advisable to wash shower curtains every 1 to 2 months. This helps prevent mold and mildew buildup.
  • Regular Vacuuming: Even if you don’t wash your curtains frequently, regular vacuuming with a brush attachment can help remove surface dust and prevent it from settling.
  • Seasonal Cleaning: Consider washing curtains at the change of seasons, especially if you open windows often, as this can introduce more dust and pollen.

Lastly, if you notice stains or spills on your curtains, it is best to address them promptly to prevent them from setting in. Spot cleaning can often be more effective than a full wash in such cases.

Special cases: Curtains with Hardware

Curtains with hardware like grommets or metal rings add a touch of style to your living space. Cleaning them requires a bit of extra care to ensure both the fabric and hardware stay in great condition.

D. How to wash curtains with grommets or metal rings?

How to wash curtains with grommets or metal rings

To wash curtains with grommets or rings, start by checking the care label for specific instructions.

  • Now, remove any hooks or rings if they are detachable.
  • Use a soft brush or cloth to clear away loose dust and spot-treat any stains with a mild detergent. Depending on the care label instructions, either machine wash in cold water on a delicate cycle using a mesh laundry bag, or hand wash in a basin or bathtub with a gentle detergent.
  • Thoroughly rinse and gently squeeze out excess water, avoiding any wringing. Now, Hang the curtains back on the rod to air dry, avoiding direct sunlight.
  • Once dry, reattach any hooks or rings, and use a cool iron if needed, being cautious around the grommets.

This process ensures your curtains are cleaned without damaging the grommets or fabric. 

E. How to wash curtains that are dry clean only?

Curtains labeled as “dry clean only” should be handled with care.

  • Spot clean minor stains using a gentle fabric spot cleaner, but for a thorough cleaning, it’s best to take them to a professional dry cleaner.
  • Look for a reputable cleaner experienced with delicate fabrics. Be sure to inform them of any specific stains.
  • Avoid using DIY dry cleaning kits for valuable or delicate items, as professional cleaners have the expertise and equipment needed for proper care.
  • Inspect the curtains upon return to ensure they have been cleaned effectively and are in good condition.

Following these steps helps maintain the quality of your curtains.

F. How to wash curtains of different fabrics?

curtain fabric chart showing how to wash curtains as per fabric

Best Practices for Curtain Cleaning

  • Check the Care Label: Always start by checking the care label on your curtains. This label provides specific instructions from the manufacturer on how to wash curtains without damaging the fabric or hardware.
  • Regular Vacuuming: Use a brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to remove loose dust and dirt from the window coverings. This should be done regularly, especially in high-traffic areas.
  • Spot Cleaning: Address stains promptly by spot cleaning with a mild detergent or stain remover. Test in an inconspicuous area first and blot, do not rub, to avoid spreading the stain.
  • Determine the Washing Method: Depending on the care label instructions, you can either machine wash (if allowed) or hand wash the curtains.
    Moreover, use cold water and select the gentle cycle for machine washing.
  • Use a Mild Detergent: Choose a gentle, mild detergent suitable for delicate fabrics. Refrain from using bleach or strong chemicals, as they may cause harm to the fabric.
  • Mesh Laundry Bag: If machine washing is recommended, use a mesh laundry bag to protect the curtains from tangling or getting caught on other items in the machine.
  • Avoid Overloading: Ensure the washing machine isn’t overloaded, as this can lead to improper cleaning and potential damage to the curtains.
  • Prefer Air Dry and Avoid Direct Sunlight: Hang the curtains back on the rod to air dry. Avoid direct sunlight, to prevent fading. Instead, use a fan or open a window to facilitate the drying process.
  • Professional Cleaning for Special Fabrics: For curtains made of special fabrics or with intricate details, consider professional cleaning services for the best results.

Also learn How to wash other types of curtains as well ↓

How to Wash Blackout Curtains
How to clean sheer curtains


Ready to let your curtains shine? Embrace these curtain-care tips, and let’s bring the splendor back to life! With the right know-how on how to wash curtains, your space will be transformed. Share your curtain-cleaning journey with us and let’s spread the sparkle! 

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