
How to Wash Blackout Curtains?

Blackout curtains are a game-changer for many, providing a sanctuary of darkness for a peaceful sleep and protecting our spaces from harsh sunlight. However, to maintain their effectiveness and extend their lifespan, knowing how to wash blackout curtains properly is crucial. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps, answer common questions, and provide valuable tips to keep your window coverings in top-notch condition.

Washing blackout curtains is a good idea. Just follow the washing instructions from the manufacturer. No matter what material your curtains are made of you will find care instructions on the back edges of the curtains. These instructions confirm if your curtains can be washed and tell you how to clean them properly.

How to wash Blackout Curtains?

It is crucial to know how to wash blackout curtains to keep them in good shape for a long time. Here are some simple and effective ways to clean them:

Method 1: Dusting Curtains with a Vacuum or feather Duster

When you want to refresh your curtains between deep cleanings or remove visible dust and pet hair, dusting and vacuuming are great choices. Further, knowing how to wash blackout curtains is essential for maintaining their functionality and pristine condition.

  • Prepare the Curtain: Start by stretching out the curtain material on the rod to expose the entire panel.
  •  Dusting: Use a feather duster to gently sweep away surface dust, moving it back and forth. Remember to do this on both sides.
  •  Vacuuming: Use a small handheld vacuum or vacuum hose with a soft-bristled dust attachment. Start from the top and carefully vacuum downward on both sides. If there’s stubborn pet hair, a lint roller can help.
a girl is showing how to clean blackout curtains

Method 2: Easy Spot Cleaning with Detergent

When dusting isn’t cutting it, try spot cleaning with detergent to revive your curtains.

1. Test a Small Spot: Prioritize your curtain’s well-being by testing a small, hidden spot to ensure the detergent won’t harm the fabric.

2.  Application: Lay the curtains flat on a table, dip a clean cloth in warm soapy water, and gently blot any stains. For tougher dirt, softly rub the fabric in circular motions.

3. Rinsing: Act quickly! Rinse away stains before the detergent dries. Don’t forget to wipe down the back if your curtains have a synthetic backing. Enjoy your refreshed, stain-free curtains!

Method 3: Deep Dive with Soapy Water

For a comprehensive curtain refresh, try this deep cleaning method with soapy water:

  • Curtain Preparation: Take your curtains off the rods or hooks and shake them outside to remove surface dirt.
  • Soapy Water Bath: Fill a sink or bathtub with warm soapy water. Submerge the curtains and gently agitate the water, similar to a washing machine.
  • Rinse and Dry: Rinse the curtains with cold, clean water to remove soap residue. Squeeze out any extra water and hang the curtains to dry. Your curtains will thank you with a renewed vibrancy!

Method 4: Steaming

Steam cleaning is an easy and effective method if you have the right tools.

  • Prepare the Steam Cleaner: Add clean, warm water to your steam cleaner’s tank.
  • Cleaning Process: Using the steam wand and upholstery attachment, clean your curtains from top to bottom. Hold the steam wand a few centimeters away from the material to prevent it from getting too wet.

Drying Tips:

  • Hang It Right: Always opt for hanging your curtains to dry—whether on a curtain rod, hooks, or shower curtain rod. Ensure the hanging method can handle the added weight.
  • Remove Excess Water: Before hanging, gently squeeze and twist the curtains to remove excess water without damaging the backing.
  • Wrinkle Prevention: During drying, keep curtain panels separate and spread out to prevent wrinkles. Ensure the backing doesn’t touch itself for better air circulation.

How to wash Blackout Curtains in washing machine?

Check the Care Label First

Before you embark on washing your blackout curtains, always begin by checking the care label. It holds crucial information on how to wash blackout curtains.

Washable Fabrics and Warning Signs:

Machine-Washable Materials: If your blackout curtains are made from triple-weave fabric or have a machine-washable fabric, feel free to use the washing machine.

Χ Latex Coat or Back Lining Caution: Exercise care with curtains featuring a latex coat or back lining. Brittle latex might break off during washing, posing a risk to both the curtains and your washing machine.

Simple Steps for Washing Blackout Curtains

When washing your blackout curtains, follow these easy steps:
• Opt for the lowest, gentle cycle with cold water.
• Choose a gentle detergent without harsh chemicals.
• Ensure even distribution for a thorough yet gentle clean.
• Avoid overloading to allow free rotation.
• Hang curtains to air dry completely.
• Refrain from using a dryer, especially for coated curtains, to prevent damage to the coating.

NOTE: Exercise caution with curtains featuring a latex coat or back lining; brittle latex could break off, risking damage to the curtains and potential clogs in the washing machine.

How to wash curtains with blackout lining?

To wash curtains with blackout lining effectively, start by checking care labels to ensure they are they are suitable for washing. Next, take the curtains outside and shake off the dust to prevent it from settling during washing.

  • Prepare a gentle soapy water bath, ensuring the use of mild detergent.
  • Immerse the curtains in soapy water, gently agitating and swirling them for a thorough cleaning—ideal for most blackout curtains.
  • Following the wash, proceed to rinse the curtains with clean water until all soap is thoroughly removed.
  • Wring out excess water and hang the curtains to air dry. To prevent wrinkles, it’s essential to stretch the curtains during the drying process.


  • Steam Cleaning or Dry Cleaning: Depending on care instructions, consider steam cleaning or dry cleaning for curtains with blackout lining.
    Remember, for these methods, deep clean your curtains once or twice a year as recommended.

How to clean Blackout curtains?

  1. Shake-off dust weekly: Gently shake your curtains weekly to remove accumulated dust. Vacuum the floor afterward for a clean space.
  2. Monthly Vacuuming: Once a month, use a vacuum with a dust attachment to keep your curtains free of dirt and debris.
  3. Spot Clean Stains: Address stains promptly using a cloth, warm water, and mild laundry soap. Rinse before the detergent dries.
  4. Backside Attention: If your curtains have a synthetic backing, take a moment to wipe it down for a thorough cleaning.
  5. Avoid Machine Wash: Resist the urge to toss your curtains into the washing machine, and steer clear of harsh detergents that could harm the fabric.
  6. Gentle Drying: Opt for a shaded area or low-heat dryer when it’s time to dry. Excessive heat can be harmful, especially for curtains with a rubber backing.

Additional Curtain Care

How often should you wash curtains?

Aim to clean your curtains every three to six months for a constantly inviting living space. If you reside in a high-traffic area or share your space with pets, consider more frequent cleaning every two to three months for optimal freshness.

Can I dry clean blackout curtains?

Yes, you can dry clean blackout curtains, and it’s a recommended addition to your curtain care routine at least once or twice a year. Professional dry cleaning services efficiently remove accumulated dirt, preserving the overall quality of your curtains. Before you proceed, always check the care labels on your blackout curtains to ensure they are compatible with dry cleaning.

Can you steam blackout curtains?

Steaming blackout curtains is an effective way to refresh them. Consider using this method once or twice a year to uphold cleanliness and extend the curtains’ lifespan.

When using a steam cleaner, ensure it has a dedicated attachment for curtains, such as an upholstery attachment. Maintain a safe distance, around a few centimeters, between the steam wand and the curtains to prevent any harm to the fabric. This steaming process not only removes odors but also freshens up the fabric without soaking it.

How to Get Wrinkles Out of Blackout Curtains?

Dealing with wrinkles in blackout curtains? Here’s a simple fix:

  • Garment Steamer Magic: Use a garment steamer to effortlessly release wrinkles and restore a smooth appearance.
  • Steamy Shower Trick: Hang the curtains in a bathroom while running a hot shower. The steam will naturally eliminate wrinkles, leaving your curtains looking impeccable. Remember to steer clear of high heat and direct ironing, as these methods may damage the blackout coating. 

How to get creases out of blackout curtains?

Removing creases from blackout curtains is a simple process. Begin by gently shaking the curtains to loosen any loose creases. If the creases persist, use a fabric or garment steamer, holding it a short distance away from the curtain material. Slowly move the steamer over the creases, letting the steam relax the fabric. If a steamer is not available, you can lightly mist the creased areas with water and allow the curtains to hang and air dry.

How to iron blackout curtains?

Ironing blackout curtains requires a delicate touch.

  • Begin by setting your iron to a low heat or silk setting. 
  • Lay the curtains on an ironing board or a flat surface, ensuring they are spread out and not bunched up. 
  • Place a thin cloth or a pressing cloth over the curtain fabric to provide an additional layer of protection.
  • Gently iron the curtains, moving the iron in smooth and even strokes. Avoid applying excessive pressure, and concentrate on small sections at a time. 
  • Be cautious not to leave the iron in one place for too long to prevent overheating and potential damage to the blackout coating.
  • After ironing, allow the curtains to cool and air out before rehanging them.

Key Takeaways:

Hence, learning how to wash blackout curtains is a small effort that pays off big in the long run. Taking care of your blackout curtains doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these simple steps and incorporating regular maintenance into your routine, you can ensure that your curtains remain effective, and aesthetically pleasing, and contribute to a better night’s sleep. Invest a little time in their care, and you’ll reap the benefits of window treatments for years to come. How to wash blackout curtains has never been more straightforward!

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