
How Long Should Drapes Be? A Simple Guide to Perfect Window Coverings

Ever wondered, how long should drapes be? Choosing the right length is like finding the perfect fit for your windows. It can completely change the look and vibe of your room. Let’s explore the art of drapery together, considering factors like room size and personal style. Whether you prefer a classic touch or a modern flair, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

illustrating the difference between curtains and drapes

Curtains and drapes may look similar, but they have key differences.
♦ Usually narrower and come in standard sizes.
♦ They cover windows to give privacy.
♦ Made from materials like cotton or sheer fabrics.

♦ Wider and longer, going from the top of the window to the floor.
♦ Often made from fancy materials like silk or velvet, which add a touch of luxury.
♦ Drapes are high-quality and often used in formal settings.

Knowing these differences helps you pick the perfect window treatment for your style and needs.

How long should Drapes be?

different lengths of drapes showing how long should drapes be

The ideal length for drapes largely depends on personal preference and the look you want to achieve. Here are some points to consider:
1. Touching the Floor: For a classic and timeless look, drapes that just touch the floor can create an elegant and tailored appearance.
2. Breaking Slightly at the Floor: Allowing drapes to break slightly on the floor can give a relaxed and casual vibe while still maintaining a polished look.
3. Puddled: For a more dramatic and opulent effect, puddling drapes on the floor can add a touch of luxury to your space.
4. Floating Above the Floor: In some modern or minimalist designs, drapes that float just above the floor can create a clean and contemporary aesthetic.

Remember, it is important to measure from the top of the curtain rod to the desired length and to consider other factors like the type of fabric and the overall style of your room. Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a length that complements your space and reflects your style.

Choosing the Right Length for Your Drapes

When selecting drapes for a room, it’s crucial to ponder over how long should drapes be, as this can significantly impact the room’s appearance. Here are some factors to take into account:

1. How Big Is the Room? 

⇒ If the room is big, long curtains that touch the floor can make it look fancy.

⇒ In smaller rooms, it’s better to have curtains that just touch the floor or stop a bit above it, so the room doesn’t feel crowded.

2. What Kind of Windows Do You Have? 

⇒ If your windows are tall and skinny, window coverings that go past the sides of the window can make them look wider.

⇒ For short and wide windows, curtains that just go a little past the sides can make them look balanced.

3. How Do You Want the Room to Feel? 

⇒ Fancy and traditional rooms can have long, luxurious curtains that gather on the floor.

⇒ Modern rooms look best with curtains that float just above the floor, giving a clean and sleek look.

⇒ For a comfortable and easy-going vibe, curtains that just touch the floor are great.

Remember, it’s all about what looks good to you and what fits the style of your room!

How short is too short for drapes?

Showing how Long Drapes Be for different heights:

Short drapes can mess up how a room looks. Usually, drapes should reach the floor or just have a little fold. If they’re way above the floor, it can look weird and off. Don’t go for lengths that make a big space between the drapes and the floor, because it won’t look nice. It’s better to go for a length that suits how tall the window is and keeps things looking neat.

How long should drapes be for puddles?

When choosing curtains with a “puddle” look, it’s all about what you like and what fits your style. The puddle is the extra fabric that bunches on the floor when the curtains are put up. This can make a room look more fancy and classy. Here are some general guidelines for different puddle lengths:

Light Puddle (1-2 inches): This means the curtain just slightly touches the floor. It looks tidy.
♠ Standard Puddle (6-8 inches): This is a common choice. The curtain gathers a bit on the floor and gives a classic look.
♠ Deep Puddle (12 inches or more): This makes a big, fancy bunch of fabric on the floor. It looks very luxurious and dramatic.

 The length of the drapes depends on the look and functionality you desire. While floor-length drapes create a classic and elegant look, shorter drapes can also be used effectively. 

For example, cafe curtains that cover only the lower portion of the window can add a charming touch to kitchens. Ultimately, the choice of drape length should complement the overall style and purpose of the room.

How far should drapes extend past the window?

How long should drapes be past the window depends on what you like and how you want things to look. Normally, having them go 4-6 inches past the sides of the window makes it look nice and balanced. This frames the window without blocking too much light.


But if you want a fancy and dramatic look, they can go even further, up to 12 inches on each side. Just make sure it fits well with how big your window and room are. That way, your drapes will look the best.

Drapery Length for Different Ceiling Heights

drapery length for different ceilings showing how long should drapes be

1. How long should drapes be for 8-foot ceilings?
• Opt for drapes that are slightly longer than the window to create an illusion of height.
• Avoid overly voluminous fabrics or excessive pooling on the floor, as this can make the space feel cramped.

2. How long should drapes be for 9-foot ceilings?
• Drapes that just touch the floor or have a slight break work well for 9-foot ceilings, providing an elegant and proportionate appearance.
• Consider using techniques like hanging drapes closer to the ceiling to visually elongate the room.

3. How long should drapes be for 10-foot ceilings?
• With higher ceilings, you can go grander. Floor-to-ceiling drapes can emphasize the vertical space and add a sense of drama.
• Consider drapes with more volume and fabric, such as luxurious materials or layered treatments.


How to hang drapes from the ceiling?

Hanging drapes from the ceiling can create a dramatic and visually appealing effect. Here is a simple guide to help you achieve this look:

⇒ Measure and Mark: Use a measuring tape and level to determine the desired placement of the curtain rod on the ceiling. Mark these points with a pencil.
⇒  Install Ceiling Brackets: Secure the ceiling brackets to the marked points using screws and a drill. Ensure they are level and properly aligned.
⇒ Put Up the Curtain Rod: Slide the curtain rod into the brackets. Make sure it’s stable and straight.
⇒ Hang the Drapes: Attach the drapes to the curtain rod using curtain rings or hooks. Make sure they’re spread out evenly so it looks even and nice.
⇒ Adjust and Style: Arrange the drapes to your desired fullness and style. You may want them to hang straight or create soft folds.
⇒ Final Touches: Use a steamer or iron to remove any wrinkles and ensure the drapes hang perfectly.

How to hang drapes with rings or clips?

hanging drapes with rings or clips showing How Long Should Drapes Be

To hang drapes with hooks or clips, start by ensuring your drapes have loops or hooks attached. If not, securely fasten them to the top of the drapes. Next, install the curtain rod at your desired height above the window. 

Once the rod is in place, use the hooks or clips to attach the drapes to the rod. Adjust the drapes to your preferred fullness and arrangement, making sure they hang evenly for a pleasing visual effect.

How to hang sheer curtains with drapes?

hanging sheer curtains with double curtain rod illustrating How Long Should Drapes Be

Method 1: Using Double Curtain Rods:

To hang sheer curtains with drapes using double curtain rods,

  • Install the Double Curtain Rod: If you have a double rod, install it above your window. If not, you can use two separate rods and align them on the window.
  • Hang the Sheer Curtains: Place the sheer curtains on the inner rod or the rod closest to the window. Ensure they extend from the top to the bottom of the window.
  • Hang the Drapes: Place the drapes on the outer rod. They should slightly overlap the sheer curtains for a balanced and layered look.

Method 2: Using Hooks or Clips:

To hang sheer curtains with drapes using hooks or clips, 

  • start by ensuring both the sheer curtains and drapes have loops or hooks attached at the top. If not, securely fasten them.
  • Next, mount the curtain rod at your desired height above the window. Once the rod is in place, use the hooks or clips to attach both the sheer curtains and drapes to the rod.
  •  Arrange them to your preferred fullness and arrangement, making sure they hang evenly for an aesthetically pleasing look.
  • Lastly, give them a finishing touch by using a steamer or iron to remove any wrinkles, ensuring a seamless and polished appearance.


Finding the perfect drapery length is like tailoring a suit for your windows. It sets the tone and elevates the entire room. Remember, the key is balance. So, how long should drapes be? It’s a personal choice, guided by your style and the room’s proportions. Trust your instincts and let your space shine with drapes that are just right. Happy decorating


1. How far should drapes be off the floor?
Drapes should hang just above the floor. This ensures they don’t drag on the ground, which can look messy, and it also gives a clean, tailored appearance.

2. How wide should Drapes be?
The drapes should be about 1.5 to 2 times wider than the window. This allows them to have a full and gathered look when they are closed, creating a more aesthetically pleasing effect.

3. How high to hang curtains and drapes?
To hang curtains and drapes at the right height, position the curtain rod about 4 to 6 inches above the window frame. This creates an illusion of height and allows the curtains to fall gracefully.

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