
Curtain Size Chart: Choosing The Right Curtains!

Choosing the right curtains for your windows is a crucial aspect of interior design. They not only enhance the aesthetics but also serve practical purposes like providing privacy and controlling light. However, finding the perfect size for your windows can be a daunting task. Further, we have put together this comprehensive curtain size chart to guide you through the process.

In this curtain size chart guide, we will walk you through standard sizes, customization options, and essential measuring tips, ensuring you find the ideal curtains for every window in your home. Say goodbye to the guesswork and hello to perfectly fitted curtains that elevate your living space.

Before purchasing window treatments, it is crucial to understand the curtain size chart. In the USA, curtains and drapes come in a range of standard curtain sizes to fit various window dimensions. Here is a breakdown of the common options:

standard curtain sizes chart for width of curtain panels
  • Single Panel (45 inches): Ideal for narrower windows or when you prefer a more gathered look when the curtains are drawn.
  • Pair of Panels (90 inches): This option provides fuller coverage and is suitable for wider windows.
curtain sizes chart for curtain lenght guide

Lenght options

  • 63 inches: A popular choice for smaller windows or when you want the curtains to just touch the floor for a clean and crisp look.
  • 84 inches: A versatile length that works well for most standard-sized windows, offering a balanced appearance.
  • 95 inches: Great for taller windows, providing a more dramatic and elegant drape.
  • 108 inches: Perfect for high ceilings or when you want to create a grand and luxurious feel.
  • 120 inches: An excellent option for floor-to-ceiling windows or to add a touch of opulence to your space.

Keep in mind that these standard curtain sizes cater to a wide range of window sizes. However, if you have unique or non-standard window sizes, consider opting for custom-made curtains for a perfect fit.

How to Measure Curtain Sizes?

meausurment of curtain sizes chart for rod and curtain width

Measuring curtains is a crucial step to ensure they fit your windows perfectly. Here is a curtain length guide to help you get accurate measurements:

1. Gather the Necessary Tools:

  • A measuring tape
  • A step ladder (if needed)

2. Width Measurement:

  • Start by measuring the width of the curtain rod, not the window itself. This ensures that the curtains will cover the entire window when closed.
  • If you have a single curtain rod, measure from one end to the other. For multiple rods, measure each section separately.
  • If you are using a decorative rod with finials and hooks, include them in your measurement.

3. Consider Fullness:
If you prefer a gathered look when the curtains are drawn, multiply the width measurement by 1.5 to 2 times. This provides a fuller appearance.

4. Length Measurement: Determine the desired length for your curtains: Options include-

  • Just Touching the Floor: Measure from the bottom of the curtain rod to the floor.
  • Hovering Above the Floor: Measure from the bottom of the rod to your desired length above the floor.
  • Pooling on the Floor: Add extra inches to create a luxurious pooling effect.

5. Account for Curtain Header:
If your curtains have a header (the fabric above the rod pocket), measure from the top of the header to your desired length.

6. Double-Check Measurements: Always double-check your measurements to ensure accuracy. It’s better to measure twice than end up with ill-fitting curtains.

7. Consider custom-made drapes:
If your windows have unique or non-standard sizes, consider opting for custom-made curtains. This ensures a perfect fit.

By following this curtain length guide, you’ll be equipped with the precise measurements needed to select or order curtains that will enhance the look of your space. Remember, accuracy is key for a seamless and polished finish.

Customizing Curtain Sizes

Custom-made curtains offer a tailored solution to fit your unique window dimensions and style preferences. Let us explore the advantages and essential measuring tips for customization:

Advantages of custom-made curtains

  1. Perfect Fit: Custom-made curtains are crafted specifically for your windows, ensuring they fit flawlessly and enhance the overall aesthetic of your space.
  2. Endless Style Choices: You have the freedom to choose from a wide range of fabrics, patterns, and designs to match your decor and personal taste.
  3. Tailored Features: Customize details like curtain length, header style, and lining options to achieve the exact look and functionality you desire

Measuring Tips for Customization

1. Width Measurement 
(Rod vs. Window)

♦ Rod Measurement: If you are measuring for an existing curtain rod, start by measuring the entire width of the rod, including any finials or decorative elements.

If you are starting fresh, measure the width of the window itself. For a full and gathered look, add extra width to ensure adequate coverage when the curtains are drawn.

2. Length Measurement
(Floor Touch vs. Hovering)

Floor Touch: For a classic, elegant look, measure from the bottom of the curtain rod to just touch the floor. This creates a clean and posh look.

Hovering Above the Floor: If you prefer a more modern, casual look, measure from the bottom of the rod to your desired length above the floor. This allows the curtains to hover slightly.

Curtain Styles and Sizing


Curtain Panels

curtain sizes chart for curtain panels
  • Width Measurement per Panel: When it comes to curtain panels, it’s essential to measure the width of each panel. This measurement determines how much coverage one panel will provide.
  • Total Width Calculation: To find the total width of curtains needed for your window, you will need to consider the combined width of all panels. For example, if you have two panels, double the width measurement of one panel.


Curtain Valances

curtain valances displayed in room illustrating curtain size chart
  • Decorative Purpose: Curtain valances serve primarily as decorative accents. They add flair and style to your window treatments, often complementing the overall theme of your room.
  • Measuring for Valances: To determine the right size for a valance, measure the width of your window and consider how much of the window you want the valance to cover. Valances can vary in length, so choose a measurement that aligns with your aesthetic preferences.


Curtain Tiers

curtain tiers for curtain sizes chart
  • Perfect for Kitchens/Bathrooms: Curtain tiers are an excellent choice for spaces like kitchens and bathrooms. They offer privacy without blocking natural light, creating a balanced and functional window treatment.
  • Measuring Width and Length: To ensure the perfect fit, measure the width of your window and choose the appropriate length for your curtain tiers. Consider whether you want them to reach the window sill or extend a bit lower.

Curtain Size Chart guide






















  • Selecting the Right Length: Choose a curtain length that suits your window height. For a classic look, curtains should just touch the floor or have a slight break. For a modern look, they can be shorter, but avoid curtains that are too short, as they may look incomplete.
  • Determining Curtain Width: The width of your curtains should be at least double the width of your window for a full, gathered look. Consider adding extra width for a more luxurious appearance.
  • Curtain Rod Length Matters: Ensure your curtain rod is wider than the total width of your curtains to allow them to hang comfortably when open. The length of the curtain rod should comfortably extend beyond the window frame on either side.
  • Consider Special Requirements: For unique window styles or special circumstances, such as high ceilings or extra-wide windows, custom sizing may be necessary. Always measure accurately to ensure a perfect fit.
  • Personalize to Your Taste: These are general guidelines. Ultimately, choose what feels right for your space and complements your style.

Curtain Size Chart guidelines:

Before you assemble your curtains, here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind


  • Measure Twice, Buy Once: Always double-check your measurements to ensure accuracy before purchasing curtains.
  • Consider the Curtain Rod: Measure the width of the curtain rod, not just the window, to ensure proper coverage.
  • Factor in Fullness: If you prefer a gathered look, choose curtains that are 1.5 to 2 times wider than the window.
  • Think About Length: Decide if you want the curtains to touch the floor, hover above, or pool for a specific aesthetic.
  • Customize for Unique Windows: If you have non-standard window sizes, opt for custom-made curtains for a perfect fit.
  • Coordinate with Room Decor: Select curtains that complement the overall style and color scheme of your space.
  • Consider Functionality: Determine if you need curtains for privacy, light control, or purely for decorative purposes.


  • Guess Measurements: Avoid estimating sizes. Always use a measuring tape for accurate results.
  • Neglect the Curtain Rod Width: Ensure the curtain rod is wide enough to cover the entire window when closed.
  • Assume One-Size-Fits-All: Different windows may require different curtain sizes. Avoid assuming a standard size will fit all.
  • Ignore the Floor: Neglecting to consider how the curtains interact with the floor can result in an awkward look.
  • Overlook Custom Options: Don’t dismiss the benefits of custom-made curtains, especially for unique window shapes or sizes.
  • Disregard Style Preferences: Selecting curtains that clash with the decor can disrupt the overall aesthetic of the room.
  • Forget About Practicality: Don’t choose curtains solely based on appearance. Consider their functionality in the space.

Following these Dos and Don’ts of curtain size chart ensures you will make an informed decision when it comes to selecting the right curtain size for youur windows.

Curtain rod size

In the world of curtain hardware, you’ll find various sizes, but the most common ones are 28, 48, 84, 66, and 120 inches. To choose the right size for your curtain rods, simply measure the width of your window. Then, add an extra 6 inches on both sides. Use a pencil to mark the exact spots on your walls where the rods will go.

Here are a few additional tips from curtain sizes chart:

  1. Length: Ensure the curtain rod is wider than the window for proper coverage. Add a few extra inches on each side for a balanced look.
  2. Diameter: Thicker rods work well for heavy curtains, while thinner ones are suitable for lighter fabrics.
  3. Adjustability: Opt for extendable rods if you have windows of different sizes in your home.
  4. Style and Material: Choose a rod that complements your room’s decor and consider decorative elements like finials for added elegance.
  5. Mounting Options: Decide whether the rod will be mounted inside the window frame or above it based on your preference and available space.

Also learn How to clean and wash curtains (Read more)

How to Wash Curtains
How to Wash Blackout Curtains
How to clean sheer curtains

Recap of Curtain size chart

In this “Curtain Size Chart” we have covered a range of important factors to consider when choosing the perfect curtains for your windows. We discussed standard curtain sizes, customizations, curtain styles, and curtain rod sizes in the curtain size chart. Here is a quick recap:

  • Standard curtain sizes in the USA vary in width and length, offering options for different window dimensions.
  • Custom-made curtains provide a tailored solution for unique windows, ensuring a perfect fit.
  • Curtain styles, including panels, valances, and tiers, offer diverse options for enhancing your decor.
  • curtain rod sizes range from 28 to 120 inches. To ensure a balanced look, measure your window’s width and add 6 inches on each side.

We hope our curtain size chart guide was resourceful and helped you understand the various types of curtain sizes. However, if you still have any doubts, please comment, and we will reply shortly


1. What are the width and length of the curtains?

In curtains, width refers to the measurement from side to side, determining how much coverage the curtain provides. Length refers to the measurement from top to bottom, indicating how long the curtain will hang.

2. How to measure a window for curtains?

To measure a window for curtains, use a measuring tape to determine the width and height of the window frame. If you are aiming for curtains that touch the floor, measure from the window’s top to the floor.

3. How high above the window to hang curtains?

Curtains should typically be hung about 4 to 6 inches above the window frame. This creates an illusion of height and allows ample space for the curtains to drape.

4. What size curtain rod do I need?

To determine the size of your curtain rod, it should be wider than the window frame. A good rule of thumb is to add 6 to 12 inches on each side of the window.

5. What width curtains do I need?

The width of your curtains depends on the size of your window and your style preference. Standard curtain panels are typically 45 inches wide, but for a fuller look, you may want to go for panels that are 90 inches wide.

6. How do I calculate curtain sizes?

To calculate curtain sizes, consult a curtain size chart. Measure the width of your window or desired curtain area, adding extra inches for a full look. Then, measure the height from the rod to where you want the curtains to end. Use the chart to find the closest match. If needed, consider custom-made curtains for a precise fit

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